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The Mega-Hex 8 Giant Ice Cube Tray for Gin - Red
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We can't express enough how important the right ice is to have with your Copa Gin Glass, meet the The Mega-Hex 8 Giant Ice Cube Tray for Gin - Red.
You have no idea how long these took in development, but we know all gin snobs love a point of difference!
Enjoy your gin with larger ice using this 8 mega-Hex 8 hole silicone ice cube tray.? Why is this the right ice? Its especially important to ensure the surface area is reduced. The ice melts slower, and the Gin is not diluted as much as with smaller ice.
  • Therefore, the larger the ice, the slower it melts, and the less it dilutes the drink.
  • Therefore your drink will stay cooler for longer
  • Tray size:28cm x 14cm x 5cm
  • Each ice cube is approx. 2" cubed (approx. 5cmx5cmx4.65cm)
  • To remove ice simply twist or push them from behind.
  • Food Grade Silicone
When you pull that tray out of your freezer for the first time, you'll feel that cool tactile silicone with freshly made ginsanity ice cubes and know that they are the best quality blocks you can get for your gin. If you're like us, you enjoy watching the cool mist float off these cubes as part of your gin ritual. Want to know how to make a classic G&T with our Hex Ice Block maker? Just watch this video:
Make sure you give the cubes time to form, since they are larger than normal icecubes, they will typically take overnight to make, however once formed, each cube will last for several gins. Due to the space-saving design, you can fit them side by side without taking up too much room in the freezer, and have plenty of cubes ready for your next party. Offer your guests something truly unique - we are the first to offer these wonderful hex cube shaped ice blocks, and we're very proud of our design work. We hope you enjoy your designer ice blocks too, from Ginsanity!

The Mega-Hex 8 Giant Ice Cube Tray for Gin - Red

SKU: C5_92
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